Local Art on Display as part of 'Art in Bloom'

The paintings of Grafton resident Carolyn Kinloch-Winkler will be on display at the Grafton Historical Society Museum, February 8 and 9, 2025. As part of the series, Art in Bloom, Carolyn’s paintings will be florally interpreted by members of the Grafton Garden Club. Her paintings feature wildlife, including birds and flowers, and scenes from Grafton.
Ms Kinloch-Winkler is a former art teacher in the town of Northborough. She was raised in Kennett Square, Pennssylvania. Her father worked at Longwood Botanical Gardens, and some of her earliest memories were playing among the flowers. Her mother was an artist, whose forte was sculpture.
“She taught me how to paint when I was six. She would awaken me in the morning so I could practice painting before I caught the bus for school,” recalled Kinloch-Winkler. Despite the death of her mother when Carolyn was only seven, the spark of creativity had been ignited in her, and she pursued her degree in art at the University of Delaware.
Teaching art has been her passion, from instructing elementary-aged children to adults. Ms Kinloch-Winkler added, “I am a contemporary artist. I paint natural, living subjects with all their complexities, flaws, and mystery. I work from my own photography, so my work is my eye, from inspiration to finish.”
Art in Bloom, featuring the paintings of Carolyn Kinloch-Winkler, will be open to the public on Saturday, February. 8, from 1– 4 p.m. and on Sunday, February 9, from 1– 4 p.m. at the Grafton Historical Society Museum, 71 Main Street, South Grafton. All are welcome and there is no charge for admission. Participating in the exhibit are Grafton Garden Club members Rebecca Ahlfors, Joan Avato, Helen Blazis, Carolyn Dee, Evelyn Guillette, Jess Reese, Stephen Reese, Jen Thomas, Elizabeth Weeks, and Rita Zeffert.
Art in Bloom is sponsored by Five Stars Liquor and Grafton Savings Bank. Chairs of the event are Joan Avato, Helen Blazis, Nancy Therrien, and Elizabeth Weeks.