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The Yankee Express

Millbury Town Meeting slated for May 7

The meeting will take place at Millbury High School, 12 Martin Street. at 7 p.m. check-in begins at 6 p.m. Also, the Annual Town Election will take place on Tuesday, April 30, 2024 from 7am-8pm in the Millbury High School Gym, 12 Martin Street.

Voters will act on a General Fund budget looking to raise and appropriate $56.8 million as well as borrowing $2.2 million for two fire trucks. Another article also looks to borrow  $400K for paving at the Millbury/Howe Avenues intersection.

A group of articles falling under the “Capital Consent” agenda will ask to transfer from Free Cash $500K for cemetery expansion, $150K for school technology, a fire panel at Elmwood Elementary School at $100K,  Senior Center HVAC upgrades at $90K, fire personal protective gear at $88K and real estate revaluation expenses at $75K  among other transfers.

The Capital Consent agenda is way to streamline town meeting and make it more inviting to voters by grouping warrant articles for a single vote. This should shorten the length of the meeting while leaving all articles open to debate from the floor if voters should call for it. Consent agenda articles are clearly marked on the warrant. They are those that the Board of Selectmen, Town Counsel, Moderator, and Finance Committee, agree generate no controversy and can be properly voted without debate. The purpose of a Consent Agenda is to allow motions under these articles to be voted upon as one unit and to be passed without debate.

At the call of each Consent Agenda, the Moderator will announce the number of each article. If one or more voters object to including any particular article in the Consent Agenda, they should say the word “Hold” in a loud voice when the number is called. The Article will then be removed automatically from the Consent Agenda and restored to its original place in the Warrant, to be debated and voted upon in the usual manner.