NOTE: Community bulletin board-type items are welcome for inclusion in the Happenings! section of the Xpress newspapers. Please allow enough lead time for publication. Email your calendar or event notice to [email protected].
• Auburn Recreation and Culture is hosting its 10th Annual Holiday Craft Fair from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 9 (snow date Dec. 10) at Auburn High School, 99 Auburn Street, Auburn.
150+ Craft Vendors will help you get into the spirit of the holiday season. Santa will be making an appearance from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m., so bring the kids. There will be activities, food, drawing, face painting and much more. For more information please Contact the Recreation & Culture Division or call 508-832-7736.
• Annual Holiday Bazaar 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Webster Town Hall Auditorium, 350 Main Street
• Light It Up: A Christmas Concert with Whitinsville Christian School alumnus and Nashville star Jay Bragg Basiner, 7:30-9 p.m. at 279 Linwood Avenue. Tickets $17.
• Celebrate with a traditional Christmas stroll in Sutton’s historic village of Manchaug. The free community event incorporates food, history, shopping and holiday merriment from 4- 8 p.m.
• Light It Up: A Christmas Concert with Whitinsville Christian School Alumnus Jay Bragg Basiner. 7:30 – 9 p.m. Whitinsville Christian School, Nehemiah Center for the Arts and Worship, 279 Linwood Avenue Northbridge, Tickets $17. From Whitinsville Christian School alumnus to Nashville star. Stories, songs and a whole lot of Christmas cheer from a career musician, songwriter and ’99 WCS alumnus.
• Christmas Party at the Polish American Club, 167 Mendon Street, Uxbridge. Music, food, Ugly Christmas outfit contest. From 6-11 p.m., $20 at the door.
• Free holiday concert by The Blue Shades Clarinets at Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, 446 Hamilton Street, Southbridge. Free-will offering to be given to Rosilda’s Kitchen at the First Methodist Church. Refreshments to follow the concert. For more information, contact [email protected],
• Music at the Farm at 2 p.m. Grace Note Farm, 969 Jackson Schoolhouse Road, Pascoag, Rhode Island. Soprano Emma Robertson, tenor David Rivera Bozon and •Pianist Elia Dagher will perform a combination of Italian and Colombian Art song, traditional folk songs, Bach solo piano pieces, Bach Christmas Oratorio, Handel’s Messiah and European Christmas carols. Call 401-567-0354 to reserve a seat, $30 for adults, children $15.
•Wreaths Across America will make a stop for a short ceremony at 1:15 p.m. Chester P. Tuttle Post 279, at 88 Bancroft Street, Auburn. There will be a convoy of trailer trucks carrying the wreaths that will be placed on veterans graves at Arlington National Cemetery and buses carrying Gold Star families and volunteers. All are welcome to attend.
wednesday, DECEMBER 13
• Story Time at the Willard House and Clock Museum, 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. for pre-schoolers and siblings. Children will hear a few stories, take a short museum tour and make a craft, 11 Willard Street, North Grafton.
• Spirit of Christmas Past presentation by Tufts University faculty member will explore the development of Christmas in New England from 1600 – 1900 at 6:30 p.m. at Northbridge Memorial Town Hall. Light refreshments.
• Birch Alley Brass Ensemble, Valley Chapel Uxbridge. Thirty-five student and professional musicians from Uxbridge, Hopedale, Mendon, Northbridge and Milford in their 12th annual performance of carols from around the world. At 7 p.m. at Valley Chapel, Uxbridge.
•For over 65 years the Auburn Fire Rescue Department has brought Santa around town in the Fire Truck to visit children and adults throughout the community. It has become a tradition shared in families for generations. The route will start at approximately 11 a.m. from the Drury Square Fire Station on Auburn Street. Times are approximate when listed. Please be patient as this is all dependent upon traffic and times are subject to change.
• A Christmas floral arrangement class will take place at the millbury first congregational church, 148 West Main Street, Millbury. Sandy michalak of herbert e. Berg florist will teach participants how to complete their own christmas floral arrngement on Saturday, December 16, 2023 at 1:00 pm in fellowship hall. Beginners are welcome. Advance registration required . Payment of $25.00, Due by Saturday, December 9th to Janice Fortin, 508-826-6381.
• Baptist Church of Grafton will present the Christmas Story in Song during their regular worship at 10 a.m. A special service to sing and learn about the most inspirational Christmas carols.
• Midnight, Last Night Cannon firing, M.M. Sherman Blacksmith Shop, 6 Singletary Ave., Sutton.
• Coffee Break Bible Study for Women will explore The Power of Forgiveness: Finding Freedom in Forgiveness. Childcare and refreshments provided. 9:30-11 p.m. Pleasant Street Church, 25 Cross Street, Whitinsville. For more information, contact Anna t 508-234-4902; email [email protected] or visit pscrc.org/adults.
Sunday, february 18, 2024
• Bethel Lutheran Church, Auburn Centennial Celebration February 18, 2024.
Festive Eucharist Service at 10:30 AM in the church, 90 Bryn Mawr Ave followed
by Banquet at the Auburn Elks at 12:30. Centennial Committee reaching out for
information on anyone who has attended or whose family has a history with
Bethel to share in this event. Please contact Judy Sampson at [email protected]; Jackie Walsh at [email protected] or Bethel Facebook page Bethel Lutheran-Auburn MA Centennial. A series of special events will follow throughout 2024.