NOTE: Community bulletin board-type items are welcome for inclusion in the Happenings! section of the Xpress newspapers. Please allow enough lead time for publication. Email your calendar or event notice to [email protected].
• Our Lady of the Valley Regional School hosts its 39th Annual Holiday Fair from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. at 75 Mendon Street, Uxbridge behind St. Mary’s Parish.
The Holiday Fair has something for those of all ages. Shop for holiday gifts from a wide range of local vendors. Try your luck at one of the fair’s many raffles, including basket raffles, the super raffle, and the grand raffle. And enjoy fresh baked goods, popcorn, soft pretzels, and the ever-popular cookie walk.
Children will love the kid’s activities, including crafts, games, inflatables, a scavenger hunt, a kid’s raffle, balloon animals, a hot cocoa bar, and pictures with Santa.
Come for lunch and choose from several delicious options, including chicken parmesan subs, meatball subs, hot dogs, pizza, and fries. You can also purchase homemade meat pies to heat up at home.
The Our Lady of the Valley Holiday Fair is so big, that it takes place in three buildings– the main school building, the G.R.A.C.E. Center, and the St. Mary’s Parish Hall (Good Shepherd Center). This year’s fair includes 3,000 more feet.For more details, visit their website at www.ourladyofthevalleyregional.com. Vendors looking for table space can email [email protected]
•Willard House and Clock Museum, 11 Willard Street, North Grafton will host a plein air painting event on its grounds for any and all artists from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Also held on Nov. 25. The museum will also feature select works for those days on the museum Facebook, twitter and Instgram pages. Please join this informal gathering of artists who love to paint the New England landscape. Bring your own supplies. Register online at willardhouse.org/events/calendar.
• The Douglas Scouting Association will host a Hometown Holiday Hall at the Scott Hall Building, 22 Church Street, Douglas on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 24-26. The hours are 10 a.m.- 6 p.m. on Friday and Saturday and 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. on Sunday. Free admission and free refreshments. All items are homemade. Holiday store atmosphere – one stop check-out. Cash, check major credit cards accepted. All proceeds to benefit the Douglas Scouting Association.
• 10th Annual Shop Small holiday shopping event with local merchants in Whitinsville and Northbridge
• Join us on Small Business Saturday, November 25 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. at
Angel Hair Alpacas, 66 Wesson Street, North Grafton to meet our friendly alpacas and shop with several amazing area vendors! Get away from the box stores and enjoy a fun day out with family and
find some unique gifts! We will be joined by Brookfield Candles, Minuteman Kettle Corn, Sweet Willow Naturals, Wright's Chocolates, Everything Jalapeno and Not, Stan's Wooden Toys and The Fudge
Lady! No pets at this event please. Parking at the Willard Clock Museum.
•The Farmer’s Daughter, 150 Millbury Street, Auburn. oliday hours and events:
Beginning Nov. 25, daily 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.; Christmas Eve: 9 a.m. – 1p.m.; closed Christmas Day. Visit with Santa, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 26; Sunday, Nov. 27; Saturday, Dec. 3; Sunday, Dec. 4. Delicious apple cider donuts are made daily starting Saturday, Nov. 26.
• Uxbridge First Holiday Night and Santa Parade 4:30 p.m. To register as a parade participant, complete the form found at facebook.com/uxbridgefirstholidaynight and return it by Nov. 26. Donation of $100 per vehicle, float or marching group. Parade staging will begin at 3 p.m. Contact us at Mendon Street Kitchen, 508-278-5750.
• Chain of Lights, Sutton’s annual town-wide Christmas event. Free trolley rides from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. to participating locations. Food, children’s activities, shopping and lots of holiday cheer. Tree lighting with Santa and the Sutton High School Band at 5 p.m. on the Town Common.
• Annual Christmas Bazaar, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.
St. Joseph ’s Parish Center, 68 Central St.,
Auburn. Come and enjoy an old fashioned Christmas Bazaar and check out the Collectibles, Attic Treasures, Jewelry, Plants, Knit Goods, Holiday Décor, Toys, Candy & Baked Items and so much more! Take a chance on one of our many raffles. There is something for everyone! Free Admission. Plenty of parking available. Handicap accessible.
• First Congregational Church of Oxford presents their Annual Christmas Tea. 9:30 a.m. - 2 p.m.. Keepsake photo experience, Gift Center & Granny's Attic. Assorted desserts and teas served all day. Luncheon begins at 11:30. www.firstchurchoxford.com
•Breakfast with Santa, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Waters Farm, 53 Waters Road, West Sutton
•St. Denis Church Holiday Fair, Douglas will be held Saturday, Dec. 2, 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Purchase crafts, enjoy baked goods or try our raffles. Have lots of fun at the Kids’ Table. Luncheon served from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
•Annual Holiday Bazaar at the Sutton Senior Center, 19 Hough Road from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. Shop for the holidays. There will be gorgeous gift baskets, jewelry, scratch ticket raffles, hats and mittens as well as dollar items. A take-out lunch of turkey soup or meatball sub will be available. All proceeds will benefit Sutton Seniors.
• The parade will be held on Saturday, December 2nd, and will kickoff from the North Oxford Fire Station at 5:00 pm. The parade will continue down Route 12 to Joslin Park where Santa, Mrs. Claus and a special guest will light the tree on the Town Common Bandstand.
Sunday, December 3
• The Unitarian Church at 3 Grafton Common is having a traditional Church Faire on Sunday December 3, from 11:30-3:00. Enjoy a hot lunch including chili, cornbread, hot dogs and apple crisp; Attend a family friendly performance of 'Twas the Night Before Christmas at 1:00 featuring our hand bell choir; enjoy free kids crafts and shop at our local holiday market.
• Grafton Celebrates the Holidays, 8 a.m. – 6:30 p.m. Join the fun for the 28th year as more than 30 businesses, churches and organizations come up with a host of delightful seasonal activities. Keep an eye out for the “Frosty Stop” snow bear logo that marks fun spots like the Polar Express Trackless Train Ride, photos with Santa and the Craft and Vendor Fair at the Municipal Center Gym. The day starts with a pancake breakfast at North Grafton Elementary School. In other stops, enjoy hot soup, pizza or a grab and go craft for kids. The Baptist Church will display its traditional crèche from 1-5 p.m.
•Millbury Chain of Lights at 11 a.m. Join the 24th annual, town-wide event to celebrate the holidays with local food, shopping and entertainment! Enjoy nearly 40 stops in town for live music, holiday shopping, holiday figures like Buddy the Elf and the Grinch, raffles and food. Old-fashioned trolleys provide free transportation throughout the day. The event is sponsored by local businesses and concludes with a tree lighting and appearance by Santa Claus at the Millbury bandstand
• Christmas Potluck at 6:30 p.m. First Congregational Church, 307 Boston Road, Sutton.
• Auburn Recreation and Culture is hosting its 10th Annual Holiday Craft Fair from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 9 (snow date Dec. 10) at Auburn High School, 99 Auburn Street, Auburn.
150+ Craft Vendors will help you get into the spirit of the holiday season. Santa will be making an appearance from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m., so bring the kids. There will be activities, food, drawing, face painting and much more. For more information please Contact the Recreation & Culture Division or call 508-832-7736.
• Annual Holiday Bazaar 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Webster Town Hall Auditorium, 350 Main St.
•Light It Up: A Christmas Concert with Whitinsville Christian School alumnus and Nashville star Jay Bragg Basiner, 7:30-9 p.m. at 279 Linwood Avenue. Tickets $17.
• Celebrate with a traditional Christmas stroll in Sutton’s historic village of Manchaug. The free community event incorporates food, history, shopping and holiday merriment from 4- 8 p.m.
• Story Time at the Willard House and Clock Museum, 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. for pre-schoolers and siblings. Children will hear a few stories, take a short museum tour and make a craft, 11 Willard Street, North Grafton.
•For over 65 years the Auburn Fire Rescue Department has brought Santa around town in the Fire Truck to visit children and adults throughout the community. It has become a tradition shared in families for generations. The route will start at approximately 11 a.m. from the Drury Square Fire Station on Auburn Street. Times are approximate when listed. Please be patient as this is all dependent upon traffic and times are subject to change.
• Midnight, Last Night Cannon firing, M.M. Sherman Blacksmith Shop, 6 Singletary Ave., Sutton.
• The Blackstone Valley Chamber of Commerce’s Home & Community Expo will be held at the Northbridge High School Field House on Linwood Avenue in Whitinsville from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Registration will occur late summer, early fall.