Family fun with hike and concert on Quinebaug River Trail

Mark Mandeville and Raianne Richards will lead a walking tour and give a concert on the Quinebaug River Rail Trail next month. submitted photo
Webster natives and co-founders of the Massachusetts Walking Tour Mark Mandeville and Raianne Richards will host a “Walking Tour” Sept. 17 on the Quinebaug River Rail Trail in Dudley.
The Last Green Valley and Local 4 Life are co-sponsors of this event, part of “Walktober” - a regional fall collection of walks, paddles, lectures and other events to connect people with the abundant and diverse natural, historical and cultural resources within south-central Massachusetts and eastern Connecticut.
The event will run from 1-4 p.m. with the following schedule: gathering and welcome 1 – 1:15 p.m.; walk 1:15 – 2:15 p.m.; activities and concert 2:15 – 4 p.m.

The nature walk is a two-miles round-trip to “Ken’s Bridge” on easy, mostly flat terrain suitable for strollers. Local 4 Life will then lead a hands-on take-home kids’ activity to craft mason bee hotels (while supplies last). Light refreshments will be offered after the walk with an opportunity to visit with local partners like The Last Green Valley and others. Acclaimed local artists Mark Mandeville and Raianne Richards will perform acoustic music accompanied by members of the Walking Tour band. Attendees are welcome to bring a chair or blanket for the concert (can be left in the car or at the gathering space during the walk). Meet at the end of Blue Herron Rd. in Dudley (off New Boston Rd) for all activities. The trail kiosk is located near the end of the cul-de-sac.
Street parking is available on Blue Herron Rd. and in the surrounding neighborhood. Alternative parking for those who don’t mind a longer walk can be found in the small lot off Schofield Ave in Dudley and along the driveway of the Webster Water Treatment Plant in Webster.
The Last Green Valley (TLGV) is two things - it’s the 35-town National Heritage Corridor in eastern Connecticut and south-central Massachusetts, and it’s also a member-supported, non-profit stewardship organization working for residents in the National Heritage Corridor. The corridor is a place with a rich history in a surprisingly rural landscape. More than 80 percent of the Corridor is forest and farm; it’s also the last swath of dark night sky in the coastal sprawl between Boston and Washington, D.C. TLGV advocates to sustain our region’s legacy for future generations. The Walktober event is in its thirty-third year leading people to wide-open spaces to explore with walks, hikes, historic tales, paddles, bike rides and farm visits.
Local 4 Life focuses on education, conservation and community-building. The non-profit was founded by two middle school Science teachers who were inspired to offer hands on learning that supported local farms and broadened their reach beyond the classroom. They recruited a diverse board of directors, advisors and volunteers that consist of farmers, educators, and entrepreneurs. With the help of their expertise, skills and talents, Local 4 Life has hosted events, workshops and activities for all ages that have been centered in four core values- Agricultural & Local Partnerships, Youth Education. Conservation of Resources, and Diversified Community Outreach.
Since 2010 Mandeville and Richards have organized a grassroots trek annually to raise awareness of recreational greenspace throughout the state and create folk coffeehouse-style musical events in each town. The Massachusetts Walking Tour has performed over 131 concerts in 113 towns across the state, partnering with the National Parks Service, Mass Audubon, Trustees, DCR, Freedoms Way and AMC to hike sections of the Appalachian Trail, Mid-State Trail, New England National Scenic Trail, Bay Circuit Trail, Cape Cod Rail Trail, South Coast Bikeway and many of the region’s smaller recreational greenspaces. In 2017, Senator Ed Markey officially recognized the Massachusetts Walking Tour in the congressional record for an annual commitment to promoting trails, arts and culture throughout the state.
“Our intention is simply to help people understand the importance of greenspace in our busy lives by inviting them out for a walk, to see younger and older folks hiking together, sharing thoughts on a nice day out in the woods,” states Mandeville. “As for the concerts, we do our best to create a respectful listening environment which highlights local performers, artists and folks with good work to announce – in that way, each concert is unique.”
Aside from organizing the Massachusetts Walking Tour, performing and recording their original compositions, Mandeville and Richards serve as music teachers in central MA through Blackstone Valley Music, an independently owned school with a popular Band Camp Program and monthly community coffeehouse.
See for more information. Sponsored by Mark Mandeville & Raianne Richards, Local 4 Life, The Last Green Valley, and the Town of Dudley and The Dudley Cultural Council.