Sutton COA provides update on MassHealth eligibility renewal process

The Sutton Council on Aging and Senior Center recently shared word with residents that as of April 1st, MassHealth has returned to its standard annual eligibility renewal process. All 2.3 million members will be reviewed over the following twelve months. Members who need to provide information to MassHealth will receive a redetermination package in a large blue envelope.
In preparation for this, it is important that you:
• Report any address changes or status updates to MassHealth as soon as possible.
• Update MassHealth by calling the Customer Service number at 800-841-2900.
• Remember! If MassHealth can’t reach you they will drop you!
• Open and read any communications from MassHealth as soon as they arrive in the mail.
• Follow the instructions in the letter and return any forms and required documentation.
• Make sure you reply well in advance of the deadline.
Medicare preventive benefits
Did you know that Medicare Part B covers approximately two dozen preventive benefits, often at no or low cost to you? These benefits include services such as your flu and pneumonia shots, COVID shots, screening for various health conditions (for instance, heart disease and certain types of cancer), and options to help you stop smoking.
Preventive care may help to keep you healthier by preventing illness or detecting medical conditions. For more information on covered preventive benefits, see Section 2 of the Medicare & You 2023 Handbook or call your local SHINE office with questions. Also, talk to your health-care provider about how Medicare preventive services can help you.
Health & Wellness Fair is scheduled
A first-ever Health & Wellness Fair will be held at the Grafton Senior Center on September 22nd from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Vendors are being sought for this event. To register, go to https://forms/gle/BYya/oXRPy8jJh7H6.
Elders, Daisy/Brownie Girl Scouts share time
Plummer Place, home of the Northbridge Senior Center, recently hosted another intergenerational program, “Growing the Generations,” for older adults in the community and local Daisy/Brownie Girl Scout Troop #65224. Amy Cowen, program and volunteer coordinator at Plummer Place, and Krista Kugler, Daisy/Brownie troop leader, coordinated the event, where the girls were able to enjoy a morning with some elders planting many different kinds and colors of flowers, appreciating each other’s company and sharing some light refreshments while swapping stories with another of summers to come and summers past.