Ghost Cats, Part II: More common than you might think

We are not the only ones who have a ghost cat in their lives. General Stanton Inn in Charlestown, Rhode Island has three known ghosts, the general, his wife, and an unidentified cat. No one knows who the cat is, but bartenders and patrons often feel the ghostly feline rub up against their legs. Many have seen the dark shadow of a cat moving about the tavern and heard ethereal “meows” coming from areas at the inn.
Ciro’s Restaurant in Woonsocket, Rhode Island has a celebrated history regarding everything from a speakeasy to a brothel. The upstairs is decorated like Henry the Eighth’s Tudor mansion and hosts several paranormal entities, one being a kitty.
Several of the staff have closed up during the night and have heard a cat meowing in the castle-style dining room known as Hampton Court. One staff member saw the cat, thought it had somehow got in, and went upstairs unnoticed. She turned for a moment to bring it a drink, and when she turned back, it had vanished. A subsequent search proved no cat was ever in the building, at least no living one.
Hammond Castle in Gloucester, Massachusetts, was built by inventor John Hays Hammond Jr. He let his favorite pets, cats, run among the many ancient artifacts he displayed. Hammond was also a paranormal enthusiast and performed many experiments inside the castle with the likes of a Faraday cage.
It was well known that Hammond wanted to be reincarnated as a cat after his mortal body was committed to the earth. Shortly after his death, a black cat appeared at the castle, lying in Hammond’s favorite chair. From the moment the strange kitty entered the castle, it was familiar with the layout. It would go right to Hammond’s favorite rooms at certain times of the day, much like the inventor did, and found solace in that same chair Hammond also found.
Each time the cat died, another would reappear in its place. Ghost? Reincarnation? Attraction from some ethereal power? No one is sure, but to this day, one can tour the castle and perhaps meet the little furry cat that seems to have dominion over the other ghosts of the castle.
The Orleans Inn, located in Orleans, Massachusetts, is home to two ghost cats that live in Room 4. The cats belonged to two women who bought the inn around 1900. They kept many cats, and two of them have survived in spirit to this day. People hear them purring and meowing, and sometimes when they open the door to the room, they feel invisible fur brushing against their legs as the ghost mousers either enter or leave the apartment.
Christy Parrish of the Oliver House in Middleborough, Massachusetts, has realized that one of the several ghosts that still occupy the house is an orange tabby named “Merragold.”
Merragold belonged to Sally Hutchinson Oliver, the original and first lady of the house. The building was erected in 1769 for Dr. Peter Oliver Jr. and his wife, Sally. The Olivers may be among the several ghosts that haunt the mansion along with Merragold. Many people have seen the ghost cat wandering among the rooms throughout the years. Investigators have also caught Merragold on audio either meowing, purring, or just making the general noises that cats are known for. The house is leased for daytime or overnight investigations, as it is very active and tenanted with many who once lived there in the mortal frame.
These are just some of the stories where ghost cats still make themselves known to those who loved them. They are an amazing breed and known to be intuitive. It may be comforting to know that your little guy or girl will still be there for who knows how long, if not in the physical sense, at least the spiritual one.
One more anecdote. In England, it was well known that a black cat crossing your path was bad luck; in America, it is just the opposite.