Food Truck Festival in Millbury back with a bang

Len Mort of the Millbury Redevelopment Authority congratulates operators of the Say Cheese food truck, winner of the People’s Choice award at the MRA’s fifth annual Food Truck Festival & Craft Fair.
By Rod Lee
To say that the Millbury Redevelopment Authority’s Food Truck Festival & Craft Fair came back with a bang after a brief hiatus because of Covid-19 would be an understatement.
“Absolutely fantastic, the best festival we’ve had,” Leonard Mort of the MRA said. “The weather was incredible, it was almost like being set up on a frying pan! We had the most trucks ever, twenty, and thirty-two craft vendors. Our volunteers were twelve hours in the hot sun.”
The event, the fifth annual, was held in the rear parking area of Millbury High School on Martin St. on May 22nd and it had something for everyone including a variety of American and ethnic fare, entertainment and raffles.
Proceeds from the festival benefit projects the Millbury Redevelopment Authority takes on, like the handsome clock it recently placed in the center of town.
“We have several projects that have been suggested, four or so,” Mr. Mort said. These will be discussed at the MRA’s next meeting, in August.
Mr. Mort was especially pleased that “a relative newcomer,” Say Cheese, a Shrewsbury-based food truck, emerged as the People’s Choice Best Food Truck for 2022.
Consisting of unpaid municipal employees, five members in all, the Millbury Redevelopment Authority was established in 1963 and raises money through donations from businesses and residents for community-betterment initiatives it tackles.
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