Charlton Lions help spread Christmas cheer

The Charlton Lions Club holds fundraisers throughout the year so it can support worthy causes and help those in need in Charlton.
This year with the coronavirus having such a devastating effect on everyone, the need at Christmas was even greater. For over ten years the Charlton Lions have been supporting families in Charlton with gift cards they can use at Christmas to help with presents, or to put a special Christmas dinner on the table.
Don Fortin, President of the Lions Club said, “this year the club recognized the even greater need to help out the town. Making donations at Christmas time is one of the Club’s top priorities, and this year we stepped up to give even more. All our club members agree, helping families at Christmas is one of the most rewarding things we do.”
This year the Lions again donated Walmart gift cards to the principals at the Elementary School, Heritage and the Middle Schools. The Lions exceeded their past donations by providing each school with ten $50 Walmart gifts cards.
Steve Doucette of the Lions delivered the cards to the principals. “We all knew that we had to add a little extra this year, and when I gave the principals the gift cards, they were delighted. These gift cards would allow them to help thirty families in town. They already had a list of families that needed help, and the principals were so thankful that these cards gave them a little something extra to share.”
The Lions also continue its tradition of visiting residents at the Charlton Manor, but this year because of the pandemic, they sang Christmas carols from the driveway. For over 20 years the Lions have visited the Manor with Santa and Frosty the Snowman. This year, because the COVID restrictions made it difficult to give gifts to the residents, the Lions donated money to the Manor for activities and special events for the residents.
The money for these great Christmas traditions comes from all of our Charlton friends who support our fundraisers, year in and year out. Don Fortin said, “it is because of the great people of Charlton that the Lions are able to help our fellow Charltonians at Christmas. Every year you support us, so we in turn can support some of our citizens in need during the holiday season. So, the Charlton Lions would like to thank all of you.”
This year, as we think about all of our good fortunes, please take a minute to pat yourselves on the back, for your kind and generous donations to the Lions Club which has meant a better holiday season for so many members of our Charlton family.
If you’re interested in learning more about what the Charlton Lions Club does for our town, or perhaps if the Lions Club could help you, please visit our Facebook page at, or email us at, or call Steve Doucette at (508) 248-4411. Be Part of Something Great – Become a LION.
Lion Carole Duquette