Oxford Seniors Benefit from Tax Work-Off Program

By Janet Stoica
Oxford’s senior citizens can benefit from an important program established by town voters in May 2017. If you are over the age of 60 and own Oxford real estate, you may apply for the Senior Citizen Tax Work-Off program which runs from January 1 through November 15 annually. The program allows property owners 60 or older to volunteer services to the Town in exchange for a reduction in property tax of up to $1,500 per fiscal year. This equals 100 volunteer hours at a rate of $15.00 per hour. The amount of the tax work-off credit cannot exceed the total tax due for the fiscal year after any other exemptions have been allowed. Credit for your work hours will be applied towards your December tax bill that is due the following April 1.
Participants are exempt from State taxes but not from Federal, Social Security, or Medicare taxes. Participation in the program may affect your State Circuit Breaker Credit and you should consult with a tax professional. Applications can be obtained from the Town website at www.oxfordma.us or a paper application can be picked up at the Town Manager’s Office. All applicants are encouraged to read the full qualifications on the Town website.
The town has also mailed out its annual Town Census and Street Listing forms. The Town website states that citizens are requested to fill out and return the forms at their earliest opportunity which provides proof of residence to protect their voting rights, veteran’s bonus, school enrollment projections, housing for the elderly and related benefits while also providing information for jury selection.
Oxford’s 2025 animal licenses have arrived. Time to register your dog or cat! Please remember to include an updated rabies certificate if the animal was recently vaccinated. Also, if the animal has recently been spayed/neutered please include the certificate. And, if it is a new animal, you must either come into the office or mail all the necessary paperwork. New animals cannot be registered online. Cat licenses expire on January 31st and dog licenses expire on March 31st. The fee is $15.00 if the animal is not altered and $10.00 if the animal is altered.