
NOTE: Community bulletin board-type items are welcome for inclusion in the Happenings! section of the Xpress newspapers. Please allow enough lead time for publication. Email your calendar or event notice to [email protected].
Saturday, Sept 14
• The St. Vincent de Paul Society at St. Mary’s of Uxbridge will host their annual fundraiser “The Friends of the Poor Walk” at 9 a.m. at St. Mary’s Church 77 Mendon Street, Uxbridge. Walkers will meet at the handicapped entrance and then walk or run the town loop at 9:30 a.m. For more information, call 508-278-2226.
• Pasta & Meatball Dinner at St. Peter Parish in Northbridge on Saturday, September
14th starting at 5:30 pm in the Parish Hall. Bring you family and friends for a wonderful meal and meet some new friends. Tickets are $15 per dinner and include salad and dessert. To go meals will be available for pick up at 5:00pm and all orders must be purchased in advance. Please call the parish office at 508-234-2156 or email [email protected] to purchase tickets or if you have any questions.
Wednesday, September 18
• The Douglas Sunshine Club is planning a trip to explore the British Landscapes in Sept. 2025 ! We will be traveling with Collette Travel for an adventure starting in Edinburgh, Scotland, and then down though England completing our tour in London. Anyone interested is welcome to join us for a special travel presentation on September 18 at 6:30 pm with a Collette representative who will describe the itinerary and travel arrangements at 6:30 pm at the Douglas Adult Social Center located at 331 Main St., Douglas. This will be a 10 day tour September 7-16, 2025 with a pre-night option in Edinburgh, a post-night option in London and a tour extension in Paris. Please call the center to sign up for this presentation at 508-476-2283 and for more information about the tour call Pam at 508-476-4474.
• Paul D’Angelo set to headline Comedy night at Slater’s at 7:30 pm With special guests Dave Rattigan & Jim Ruberti. Doors open at 6:30 PM; show starts at 7:30 PM. Tickets are on-sale now at www.samuelslaters.com. Samuel Slater’s Restaurant is located at 200 Gore Road in Webster.
• View the Night Sky at River Bend Farm, 287 Oak St., Uxbridge.
Gather with local astronomers to view the night sky. All events are on Friday evenings. Details on what you’ll see are on our events calendar.
September 20 at 7 p.m.; October 25 at 6 p.m.; November 15 at 5:30 p.m.
Saturday, September 21
• The Sixth Annual Lions Club Car Show will be held from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. at Valley Chapel, 14 Hunter Road, Uxbridge. All cars, motorcycles and trucks are welcome. The event benefits the Lions Club’s many community programs. Music, picnic fare, local vendors and Sweet Wise Ice Cream Truck will also be on hand. Registration fee for vehicles is $15. Admission is free. More than 100 vehicles entered last year. Registration is available in advance by sending a check to Uxbridge Lions Club, P.O. Box 455, North Uxbridge MA 01538. Include name, phone number, vehicle make and model.
• Dog Orphans Inc., 90 Webster Street, Douglas is holding an Open House from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Stop by with your formerly orphaned dog to say Hi!
There will be raffles, nail trimming for dogs and cats, professional photos by Brielle, hamburgers and hotdogs and a watermelon-eating contest for dogs.
Sept. 21 - Oct 31
• The Pumpkin Patch at the First Congregational Church, 128 Central Street, Auburn will be open daily 10 a.m. ‘til dusk September 21st through October 31st. There will be gourds and pumpkins of all sizes and prices – one for every need; be it for your fall decor, carving, baking – you name it! The pumpkins are raised and harvested by the Navajos on their reservation in New Mexico. The money they receive helps their schools and other programs and a percentage of the sales helps our church as well. Thank you in advance for your support. If you have any questions, feel free to call the church office at 508-832-2845.
Sunday, September 22
• The New England Country Music Club will sponsor a dance with live classic country band Rachel & Western Partners at the Progressive Club, 18 Whitin St., N. Uxbridge. Doors open at 12:15 p.m., music 1-5 p.m., $11 for non-members. Snacks may be brought in, cash bar for beverages. FMI: http://www.Facebook. com/NECountryMusicClub.
Monday, September 23
• The 18th Annual Uxbridge Senior Center Gold Outing sponsored by the Uxbridge Elderly Connection at the Whitinsville Golf Club . The event will begin at 12 p.m. with a shotgun start . Teams of four may sign up to play for $100 per golfer and nine holes including greens fees, cart, gift bad and buffet supper. A full sponsor package includes green fees for a foursome, cart, gift bag, additional four dinners at your reserved table, tee sign, special recognition on golf program and event press and announced recognition at the awards supper. The event benefits the Uxbridge Senior Center.
• Saturday, September 28
Upton’s Annual Heritage Day Festival will take place beginning at 9 a.m. Activities will take place in and around Upton center. The Society is grateful for Unibank’s continued sponsorship of our annual event. Mark your calendar. This event is always a great time and the variety of events offer something for everyone. If circumstances require that it be cancelled a decision will be announced on or before September 25
• St. Patrick's Church Autumn Recycling Event. 8am - 1pm. 7 East St, Whitinsville. We will be accepting gently used books (no encyclopedias) & media; gently used textiles/clothing & accessories; electronics for a fee (no propane, batteries, lightbulbs); rinsed bottles/cans returnable in MA (no glass). Please keep items for each station separate. For more information & pricing, email [email protected] or call 508-234-5656.
Third Wednesday of each Month
• Coin Show at the VFW Post 1385. 13 Cross Road, Uxbridge. 3-7 p.m. Free Admission, Free Appraisals