Six potential candidates for Auburn police recruits

About half way into July, in the heat of the summer, at 7:30 a.m. nine hopefuls descended upon Lemansky Park track with dreams of becoming an Auburn Police Officer.
Recently the Civil Service list was called to fill an open position at the APD. After calling the list we learned of a pending retirement and now hope to hire two. There were 136 individuals who took, passed and made the civil service list received notification of current openings and intent to hire.
Twenty-two picked up applications. Nine returned complete applications and were moved on to the next portion of the hiring process, the physical fitness test. Applicants that pass this test can expect to move on during selection.
Under the direction of Detective Sgt. Lamoreaux, who is both a Municipal Police Training Committee (MPTC) physical training instructor and lead staff instructor at the Fitchburg State University Police Academy, along with Officers Ryan and Walker, also MPTC PT Instructors, these nine candidates were given the MPTC fitness test to ensure they would pass come time for the entrance physical.
Although all nine gave their best efforts, three fell short leaving six possible candidates. The department is optimistic that of the six, there are two incredible future officers in the group.
Do you have what it takes to become a Police Officer? Check out the process at, listed under programs.