Sunshine Club News

The Sunshine Club Royal Caribbean cruise included a shore "excursion" to Liberty Dunes.
The Sunshine Club that supports the Douglas Senior Center celebrated with a virtual “cruise” on the Liberty of the Seas Royal Caribbean Cruise. The Sunshine Club meets the first Tuesday of every month. Anyone is welcome to join.
Learn about the “Return of the Bald Eagle” Friday, June 14 at 11:30 a.m. Bill Reid will be here to give a power point presentation, Last Green Valley. There will information also on outdoor activities, maps, etc. The presentation is approximately one hour, and there is time for questions afterwards. Light refreshments will be served, there is no charge for this event. Please call the center to sign up by 6/12 @ 508-476-2283.
Join us for a river cruise down the Danube River on an AMA Water Way cruise ship. We will be going in October 2024. The Sunshine Club is organizing this trip through the AAA office in Webster. The trip is a seven day tour with an optional three day pre cruise in Prague and/or 2 day post cruise tour in Budapest. Experience cultural and culinary highlights of this historic European region at the different port stops along the Danube River. For more information about this itinerary and travel plans, please contact Pam Schwartz at 508-476-4474. This trip is open to everyone!