Veterans Day Parade Saturday, November 11, 2023

Dudley will be holding their Eighteenth (XVIII) annual Veterans Day Parade this year on Saturday, November 11, 2023.
Prior to regularly scheduled parade activities; we would like to encourage everyone to attend a brief ceremonial tribute to our local veterans who paid the supreme sacrifice for their country in WW II at The Memorial Monument located at the Webster Lake entryway off of Thompson Road. In addition, at this time we will be placing a wreath at the Women’s Veterans’ Monument. This ceremony will begin promptly at 09:45AM.
Upon completion of our memorial tribute all marching veterans will meet with their respective colors/weapons at the St. Louis School Yard Parking area located next to the gymnasium at the bottom of the entryway at 10:15AM. Transportation by bus will leave at approximately 10:30AM and proceed to the Municipal Complex in Dudley.
Upon arrival in Dudley we will assemble at the Veterans’ Court of
Ceremonies will commence promptly at 11:00AM. Our Chaplain will lead us in prayer, immediately following will be a three-shot volley performed by the weapon detail and Taps. Our guest speaker (speaker to be named) will then present a brief ceremonial message.
Upon conclusion we will march in procession from the Dudley Municipal Complex to the Webster Veterans’ Court of Honor for a similar presentation with Chaplain’s prayer, three-shot volley and Taps.
Ceremonies will conclude at approximately 12:45PM.
All Scouting Organizations who plan on participating are asked to meet at the Dudley Municipal Complex (Town Hall) at 10:45AM.
This year’s Grand Marshall for our Veterans Day Parade is Vietnam Veteran - Sergeant Richard Norton, U.S. Air Force.
Please adhere to the following marching order:
Honor Guard with colors/weapons
Grand Marshal in Vehicle
Webster/Dudley Veterans Council; VFW; American Legion; PAV; DAV; All Ladies Auxiliary Units; Sons of the American Legion; and the Scouting Organizations who are participating.
Please Note: all former Military veterans wishing to join us are certainly welcome and are encouraged to march. Those who plan on doing so should meet at the Dudley Municipal Complex at 10:45AM.
• Three vehicles for our riding Veterans. Those who will be riding
will meet at the Dudley Complex at 10:45AM.
• Those marching behind vehicles should maintain 30 feet of
separation from vehicles, Ladies Auxiliary Units and all Scouting
• One vehicle will be at the end of the parade and available for anyone having difficulty marching.
Our Host this year for refreshments will be provided by the Polish American Veterans (PAV) on Ray St. in Webster. All those participating/marching are invited to attend immediately upon conclusion of this event.
Please keep in mind that we are honoring all those who are serving and those who have served this great nation. We sincerely thank everyone for their participation with helping to make this day a memorable one.