Kerrie Evers and her band will perform at a New England Country Music Club event at the Uxbridge Progressive Club on March 19th.

“After a Winter Storm” and other paintings by Anne Tisdell are on exhibit at Booklovers’ Gourmet in Webster through the month of March.
NOTE: Community bulletin board-type items are welcome for inclusion in the Happenings! section of the Xpress newspapers. Please allow enough lead time for publication. Email your calendar or event notice to [email protected].
NOTE: Community bulletin board-type items are welcome for inclusion in the Happenings! section of the Xpress newspapers. Please allow enough lead time for publication. Email your calendar or event notice to [email protected].
• “Transitions: Winter to Spring,” paintings by Anne M. Tisdell, will be featured in the café gallery at Booklovers’ Gourmet, 72 E. Main St., Webster and can be viewed during normal business hours: Tuesday-Saturday 10-5 and Wednesday 10-6. A Meet-the-Artist reception is planned for Saturday, March 11th from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. A native of Swampscott on the Massachusetts coast, Ms. Tisdell has dabbled in art all her life with sketching and drawing. She has exhibited in various places in Central Massachusetts and started taking art classes with Bill Griffiths at the Worcester Art Museum “which brought me to a new level as an artist.” Booklovers’ Gourmet was her first exhibit in 2020 and 2021.
• St. Peter’s Parish, 39 Church Ave., Northbridge, is hosting a Corned Beef & Cabbage Dinner starting at 5:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall. Families and friends are invited for a wonderful meal and Irish Music by Alto Vista. Tickets are $17 per person for a meal that will include potatoes, carrots, salad and dessert. To-go meals will be available for pickup at 5:00 p.m. All orders must be purchased in advance. “Pay It Forward” by purchasing an extra dinner for delivery to someone in the community in need. Call the Parish Office at 508-234-2156 or email [email protected] to purchase tickets or for more details.
• The Intrepid Readers of the Simon Fairfield Public Library, 290 Main St., Douglas, will discuss Joshua Slocum’s “Sailing Alone Around the World.” Slocum died in 1909 and the book was published in 1956. He circumvented the world by way of the oceans in a 34-foot sloop over a period of three years. All are invited to attend this event. Books, audio books and Libby copies are available. Call the library at 508-476-2695 for further info.
March 17, 24 and 31
• Lenten Fish Dinners, dine in or take out, are being offered at St. Denis Church, Douglas, from 5:00 to 6:30 p.m. (NOT on March 10 and NOT on April 6). Includes baked fish, coleslaw, tartar sauce and your choice of baked potato or white rice. For an additional cost, add a cup of homemade clam chowder. Prices to be determined; order online before 7:00 p.m. the Thursday prior, or tickets will be available at the door on Friday (while supplies last). SaintDenisChurch.com/fish-dinners. Cash, check or Square payments accepted on arrival.
• Journey to the Polynesian Islands by attending the 29th annual Superintendent’s Gourmet Dinner at Blackstone Valley Regional Vocational Technical High School, 65 Pleasant St., Upton. The competition center will be transformed into a tropical dining oasis. “Polynesian” is the theme the students have chosen for this year’s event. A variety of dishes reflecting this theme will complement carefully selected wines. The evening will begin with a social hour at 5:00 p.m. followed by a multi-course dinner at 6:00 p.m. This gala event is a major fundraiser for the school. Tickets are $140 per person or $1300 for a table of ten and may be obtained by calling 508-529-7758 x3020. After confirming your reservation checks made payable to Blackstone Valley Tech can be mailed to BVT c/o Anne-Marie Colonero, 65 Pleasant St., Upton MA 01568, to hold your seat(s).
MARCH 17, 18 & 19
•The Uxbridge High School Drama Club will present “Grease: School Version” with book, music and lyrics by Jim Jacobs and Warren Casey, with performances at 7:00 p.m. on Friday and Saturday and at 2:00 p.m. on Sunday in the Uxbridge High School Auditorium. Grease: School Version is presented by special arrangement with Samuel French Inc., a Concord Theatricals Company. “Grease” is a turbo-fueled nostalgic musical road trip through the joys, relationships and dances—literally and emotionally—of the students of Rydell High in 1959. The UHS Drama Club boasts a cast and crew of sixty members, directed by Kathleen Penza and Mary Mangnall with assistance from Sue Hirtle. The production is a collaborative effort between several departments at UHS including Performing Arts, Visual Arts/Graphic Design and Technology and Construction. Contact the Uxbridge High School office to reserve tickets; tickets are free but are required for admission and will be available to the public starting March 6.
• In observance of St. Patrick’s Day, the Douglas Historical Society will serve a Corned Beef Sandwich Lunch at the E.N. Jenckes Store Museu, 283 Main St., Douglas, between noon and 6:00 p.m. Donations of $12 will help support and maintain this historic building as patrons enjoy a corned beef sandwich on rye or pumpernickel with coleslaw, sour pickle and beverage, along with an Irish-themed cupcake or cookie for dessert.
• In celebration of its 125th anniversary, St. Patrick’s Church, 1 Cross St., Whitinsville, will host a free St. Patrick’s Day concert at 7:00 p.m., featuring Irish music by Chris Bilodeau. This event is sponsored by the Northbridge Cultural Council. Jim from Peg’s Diner will serve a meal of Fish & Chips. Dinner options also include Baked Fish/Baked Potato and Coleslaw or Fried Fish/Fries and Coleslaw for $14. Jimmy’s famous Clam Chowder will be available for $4/cup or $6/bowl. Mac & Cheese with Fries for $5. Dinners will be available for in-house dining on Fridays during Lent through March 31st from 4:30 to 7:00 p.m. Payment is by Venmo, Square, or cash.
• A Floral Arrangement Fundraiser Class presented by Sandy Michalak of Herbert E. Berg Florist will be held at the Millbury First Congregational Church, 148 West Main St., Millbury, at 2:00 p.m. Cost is $25 for instruction and all materials. Beginners welcome. Advanced registration by March 14 is required by calling Janice Fortin at 508-826-6381.
• Irish Night will be celebrated at the Uxbridge Progressive Club, 18 Whitin St., starting at 6:00 p.m. Corned Beef dinner served at 6:30 p.m. Music by the Laura May Band 7:00-11:00 p.m. Tickets are $20 for dinner and dancing and $15 for dinner-only, takeout (5:30-6:30 p.m. at the kitchen door). Please purchase tickets in advance at the club. Call 508-278-9800 for more information.
• The New England Country Music Club will host a dance featuring the “Kerrie Evers” band at the Uxbridge Progressive Club, 18 Whitin St. Doors open at 12:15 p.m. with live music from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. www.facebook.com/NECountryMusicClub.
• Whitinsville Christian School, 279 Linwood Ave., Whitinsville, welcomes Dr. John Abbondanza, a specialist in vision therapy and vision-related learning problems, for an informative presentation about the critical link between vision and learning. The event is scheduled for5:15 p.m. Admission is free and all interested parents, guardians and educators are invited to attend.
• The Blackstone Valley Chamber of Commerce’s Home & Community Expo will be held from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at Northbridge High School, 427 Linwood Ave., Whitinsville. This is one of the area’s premier events to advertise your business to residents and prospective customers. Single booths, double booths, nonprofit booths are available; a “golden egg” exhibitor add-on provides for a prime location on the floor with identification as part of the scavenger hunt. Small businesses from all over the Blackstone Valley will showcase their products and services. Exhibitor registration deadline is March 8. For more information, contact Liz O’Neil, [email protected] or 508-234-9090 Ext. 102.
• Southwick’s Zoo, 2 Southwick St., Mendon, opens for the season, with such attractions as a 35-acre deer forest, petting zoo, parakeet landing walk-through aviary, EARTH Discovery Center, Skyfari Ride, Woodlands Express Train, Rainforest Conservation Maze, Soaring Eagle Zipline and more.
• The Town of Sutton will host its 2nd Annual Earth Day Cleanup. Anna Wence from the Genius Hour at Sutton Middle School is coordinating the event with friends Caitlyn, Taylor and Teagan. Last year’s cleanup resulted in the collection of two tons of litter. Ms. Wence and her colleagues are hoping to expand the initiative this year. Al’s Rubbish, the Sutton Police Department, the Sutton Fire Department, Sutton 4H, the Boy Scouts and the Board of Selectmen have all pledged their support.
• The Sutton Historical Society welcomes Joe Iamartino of the Thompson Historical Society for a talk, “The Nipmuc Lithic Trail,” at the First Congregational Church, 307 Boston Road, Sutton, at 7:00 p.m. Go to www.suttonhistoricalsociety.org for further info.
• Douglas’s Silver Club is sponsoring a bus trip to New York City to see the new Titanic exhibit. Cost is $120. There will be lunch at Ann and Tony’s in the Bronx and time on Arthur Avenue (lots of Italian bakeries, butcher shops and delis). For more information call Sue at 508-476-5820.
•The Sutton Historical Society welcomes Carol Crossed curator of the Susan B. Anthony Birthplace Museum, bot a talk, “Vintage Tweets: A Book of Suffrage Era Postcards,” at the First Congregational Church, 307 Boston Road, Sutton, at 7:00 p.m. Go to www.suttonhistoricalsociety.org for further info.
MAY 15-17
• Douglas’s Silver Club is sponsoring a three-day trip to Maine (Portland and Kennebunkport) that includes guided tours of both places, a tour of the Victoria Mansion, a visit to the Seashore Trolley Museum with a trolley ride, two nights lodging, two breakfasts and two dinners (one of them lobster) as well as some free time for shopping. Cost is $399 per person. Call Sue at 508-476-5820 for further details.
• St. Peter’s Parish, 39 Church Ave., Northbridge, is hosting a Yard Sale and Vendor Fair from 7:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Rain date is Saturday, June 10th. Volunteers will be available to pick up donated items. Vendors are welcome. Vendor tables may be secured for $40. Call 508-234-2156 or email [email protected] for more information.
• Get The Led Out performs at Indian Ranch, 200 Gore Road, Webster, 7:00 p.m. www.indianranch.com.
• Kip Moore performs at Indian Ranch, 200 Gore Road, Webster, 1:00 p.m. www.indianranch.com.
• Chase Rice performs at Indian Ranch, 200 Gore Road, Webster, 1:00 p.m. www.indianranch.com.
• Rumours: The Ultimate Fleetwood Mac Tribute Show, takes the stage at Indian Ranch, 200 Gore Road, 1:00 p.m. www.indianranch.com.
• The Sutton Historical Society welcomes Andrew Noone, author of “Bathsheba Spooner: A Revolutionary Murder Conspiracy,” at the First Congregational Church, 307 Boston Road, Sutton, at 7:00 p.m. Go to www.suttonhistoricalsociety.org for further info.
• The Sutton Historical Society welcomes Mark Savois of the Thompson Historical Society for the presentation “The Mass 15th of the Civil War and Wilder Holbrook, Sutton,” at the First Congregational Church, 307 Boston Road, at 7:00 p.m. Go to www.suttonhistoricalsociety.org for further info.