Grafton’s Business Scene – April 2022

by Christine Galeone
For families and individuals, it’s important to have things to anticipate each year. It can be as simple as the first day that it’s warm enough to have that morning coffee on the deck. Or it can be as elaborate as a summer family vacation.
For communities, it’s also important. Thankfully, in recent weeks, some popular Grafton businesses have re-opened their doors and order windows. And in the coming days and weeks, some much-anticipated annual events will be held.
One North Grafton farm that – like last year – re-opened earlier than in previous years is Houlden Farm. The multi-generational family-owned business sells a variety of its produce along with dairy items, baked goods and more. While its farm stand re-opened April 7, its Sunflower Shanty beer garden will re-open with live music on Saturday May 7. The farm also has a family-friendly animal enclosure, where families can visit with goats. And the venue can now be rented for special events.
To the delight of many local gardeners, Perreault Nursery & Landscape Supply, which is located in North Grafton as well, also re-opened recently. Among other things, it sells a wide array of flowers, bushes, trees, mulch, yard and garden supplies, fairy garden supplies and gifts. Additionally, its landscape design and installation services are available for purchase.
In North Grafton, another seasonal business re-opened its order windows during the beginning of April. The return of those familiar long lines at Swirls & Scoops, an ice cream and frozen yogurt shop, is something that many local kids and adults look forward to every year.
Another Grafton business that just returned is the Grafton Flea Market. Recently sold by the original owner, Harry Peters, who started the indoor and outdoor flea market in 1970, to Tam Nguyen and Dung Kim Do of Worcester for $1.65 million total, the flea market will continue to feature hundreds of vendors – including Peters – and a casual restaurant. It will remain open every Sunday, through December, from 6 a.m. until 4 p.m. It will also be open on Memorial Day, Monday May 30.
The Grafton Garden Club has a few annual events for residents to look forward to. On Saturday, April 23 from 9 a.m. until noon, the nonprofit will hold its annual Grafton clean-up day. Volunteers are invited to join club members on the Grafton Common for coffee and donut holes before picking up special trash collection bags to help them tidy up the town. On Saturday May 7, from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. at the same location, the club will hold its annual plant sale, bake sale and raffles. Additionally, the club is now accepting applications to utilize a free 20-feet by 20-feet garden plot for 2022 in the Lee Knowlton Community Garden. More information can be found on the club’s website,
Another annual plant sale will return as a hybrid event this year. On Friday May 6 through Friday May 13, Community Harvest Project will hold its annual Plantapalooza online fundraiser. Plants can be ordered online and picked up on Friday May 13. The North Grafton non-profit farm that supports hunger relief in Massachusetts will also hold the fundraiser plant sale in person on Saturday May 14 at its farm. The online store can be found by going to
One fun annual event for seniors throughout Worcester County is the county’s Sheriff’s Annual Senior Picnic Free Drive-Thru Spectacular. It will be held Saturday June 4 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at SAC Park in Shrewsbury. It will include a free barbeque meal, popcorn, ice cream sundaes, raffles and music. It’s open to the first 900 senior citizens who register by Wednesday May 11 by calling 508-796-2638 or emailing [email protected].
Welcoming back these events and businesses has brought happiness to many area residents. It has also strengthened the community in more ways than one.
Please note that this information was correct at the time the column was written. However, because the pandemic is rapidly changing things, it’s best to check the websites and social media pages of any business to see if new changes have been implemented. Contact Christine with your business news items at [email protected].