Oxford Community Center brings Fourth Annual Fun Fest to Town

Even though there was some ice to cope with, last year's Polar Plunge raised nearly $4000 for Special Olympics. Special Olympics photo
Pull on your winter drawers because the Fourth Annual Fun, Frost and Family Winter Festival on January 25 is going to get you outside, but there’s lots of inside fun for those who prefer to stay toasty.
The jam-packed schedule will keep you busy all day and is sponsored by the Mass. Cultural Council, Oxford Cultural Council, Jane Malser Humanities Trust, Smolenski Millette Trusts and McDonalds Sellia Corporation.
Things get off to a chilly start at 10:30 a.m. with the Law Enforcement Torch Run Polar Plunge into Carbuncle Pond at 12 Carbuncle Drive.
Oxford Fire/EMS has supported this event since the first year of the festival and organizers are pleased to now welcome the Oxford Police Department onboard.
Those making the plunge will raise money for Special Olympics . Oxford’s youth sports leagues – Oxford Youth Soccer, Oxford Webster Youth Football and Cheer, Little League and Lassie League – have been challenged to compete against for the highest number of registered participants and the highest fundraising total.
Others can register as individuals or groups. There is plenty of parking for registrants and spectators. cfm?fuseaction+donor Drive.event&eventID=851.
The First Congregational Church will host a pancake breakfast at 11 a.m., sponsored in part by Oxford McDonalds.
Weather-permitting free horse drawn carriage rides will pick up at the corner of Church Street between noon and 3 p.m.
Also from noon to 3 p.m., activities will continue on Oxford Town Common on Main Street. WXLO 104-5 will provide music and a prize wheel. Minute –to-Win-It games, food trucks, free hot chocolate and smores will be available at group firepits.
Clowning with LeeLee will provide glitter tattoos and magic shows at 12:30 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. on the bandstand. The Wishing Tree wishes from 2023 and 2024 will be available for your perusal. Feel free to add your own wishes for 2025. Youth sports leagues will be on hand with registration information for their 2025 seasons.
The Army Corps of Engineers will present displays and information on Hodges Village Dam trail. NE King Fu will also have Tai Chi and Kung Fu demonstrations.
Indoor fun is at the Vendor Fair at the Oxford Community Center gymnasium where Stephen George and Nancy Marshall will perform. Kids can get creative with cookie decorating in the OCC lower level.
Other out-of-the-weather options include an Art Exhibit and children’s crafts with Miss Kelcy at the Oxford Free Public Library and Bingo at the Senior Center.
Parking is available behind the Community Center and Town Hall. The Oxford Senior Shuttle Van will take folks from place to place with stops marked at each downtown location. Donations and registations can be done at https://fundraise.specialolympicsma.org/index.