Happy Halloween

By Chief
Steven J. Wojnar
Dudley Police
“Trick or Treat” in Dudley is scheduled for Monday, October 31st from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm. With the COVID-19 shutdowns in prior years, it is always nice to see this fun holiday back in business. I wanted to remind everyone participating in this activity of some important safety tips.
It is important to remember to have plenty of illumination when out at night. Carry a flashlight and use reflective tape on costumes, especially those that are dark in color. Adjust any mask or hood in such a way to maintain clear vision. This will not only protect you from cars, but also limit accidents on unfamiliar property. It is unsafe to walk in a location which is unknown and not well lit. There could be hazard spots present which can cause an accident or injury. Also, stay on the sidewalks and away from traffic. If there are no sidewalks, walk along the road shoulder facing traffic. Never go out alone. Younger kids should always be accompanied by an adult. Older children, not accompanied by an adult, should be in a group and inform their families where they will always be. Since most people have access to a cell phone, keeping in contact should not be an issue. Children should never enter any home when they do not know the person. Wait outside and let the people bring the items to the door.
All candy must be inspected by an adult before the kids “dig in.” Accept only wrapped items and reject anything such as fruit or loose candy. There have been some reports of illegal drugs being packaged to look like candy. With this in mind. it is especially important to be certain what you have is the real thing. If anything is suspicious or if there is even a slight possibility of candy having been tampered with, discard it. There will certainly be enough left for everyone to enjoy. The evening is designed to be fun for children. Officers will be out during these times assisting everyone in having a happy and safe Halloween.
Finally, remember to respect those homeowners who do not participate in the holiday or may have run out of candy. A home without outside lights on can be a good indicator of one of these circumstances. Try to avoid these locations out of respect for their privacy. Thank you in advance for your cooperation with these tips and try to keep this a fun and safe night.
As a reminder, on Saturday, October 29th from 9 am to 1:00 pm, the Dudley Police Department and the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) will conduct another prescription drug “Take Back” event. The public can safely dispose of expired, unused, and unwanted prescription drugs. The service is free and anonymous. During our previous events, large quantities of prescription medications were taken in. In addition, a needle drop box will also be available for those who need to safely dispose of medical sharps. Several communities in our area will also be participating in this event. If you are not from Dudley, check with your local police for a participating location near you. I encourage everyone to mark their calendars and take advantage of this opportunity.
Thanks again for your questions and comments. Please send them to me at the Dudley Police Department 71 West Main St., Dudley, Ma. 01571 or email at [email protected]. Opinions expressed in this weekly column are those of Chief Wojnar only and unless clearly noted, do not reflect the ideas or opinions of any other organization or citizen.