Drive-by donations for Food Bank at Senior Center held at Millbury First Congregational Church

he Millbury First Congregational Church, 148 West Main St. is inviting people to bring donations of food, personal hygiene items, Gorettiās or CVS gift certificates to the church parking lot on Saturday, April 17, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. All donations will be taken to the Millbury Senior Center.
Suggested items include canned tomato, macaroni meals, fruit juices, canned hash, spam, hot dogs, jelly or jam, ketchup, mayo, mustard, relish, salad dressing, pop tarts, cracker snack packs, and paper towels.
A long row of tables will be set up so you can drive along side, and you can put your donation on the table, or stay in your car, pop your trunk or hatch back and volunteers will remove your donation. Please enter from West Main Street and exit to Beach Street.
Please join in celebrating the blessing of being able to help those in need.